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Antenna Engineering & Electromagnetics
Design, Simulations & Measurement
Tensorbundle provides engineering solution to your antenna design projects with the best results. Reach out to us to explore the endless possibilities that we can offer in antenna & microwave device design.
We also boast on the largest and the oldest YouTube platform for CST based antenna design & simulations.
Fig: 15 GHz Glucose droplet sensor showing Electric field vectors in HFSS simulation
Fig: Microwave Glucose droplet sensor 3D Electromagnetic model by me in HFSS
Visit to Samsung global Head-Quarter, Suwon, South korea in 2016
Md Nazmul Hasan
Founder, Tensorbundle
Research interests: Antenna engineering, electromagnetics
See Google Scholar for the list of research publications
Some Clicks During Work
Professional Affiliations:
IEEE Graduate Student Member
Member, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS)
Member, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S)
International Talks:
1. Antenna Webinar Talk hosted by IEEE Joint Aerospace & Electromagnetics Vancouver, Canada (December 2020)
2. International Conference Presentation in IEEE APS-URSI, Montreal, Canada (July 2020)
3. International Conference Presentation in ISAP, Busan, South Korea (Oct 2018)
Fig: Presenting research paper in IEEE ISAP 2018, Busan, South Korea
Fig: co-planar wave-guide to GSG pad transition design for housing the IC on PCB board. I used HFSS to design it
please visit my YouTube Channel
Visit the links below to watch and learn antenna and measurement techniques. These videos are completely made by me that cover antenna design, measurement, and VNA calibration etc.
1. Measurement of a UWB Vivaldi Antenna & saving the SnP file from VNA to USB drive (watch)
2. Full Two port calibration of Agilent E8364B VNA (watch) & E5071B VNA (watch)
3. Group delay, S21 measurement of TX-RX antenna with VNA (watch)
4. Generation of gerber file from CST model of antenna for PCB fabrication (watch)
5. How to plot SnP file (touchstone) in MATLAB from S-matrix data (watch)
6. Parabolic reflector (Dish) antenna design & simulation in CST (watch)
7. Differential port feeding design in CST (watch)
8. SMA connector design in HFSS (watch) and in CST (watch)
9. SMA connector verification test bench in HFSS (watch)
10. Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Design in CST (watch) and in HFSS (watch)
11. Wideband patch antenna design in CST(2.9-5.5 GHz) (watch)
12. Control CST by MATLAB codes - Patch Antenna design at 2.4 GHz (watch)
13. Concept of Radar Cross Section (RCS), Antenna RCS, Plane wave and Polarization (watch)
14. Monostatic RCS calculation of a patch antenna in CST (watch)
15. Metamaterial SRR Unit Cell design through MATLAB-CST API (Watch)
16. Assign different phase and amplitude in port signals in CST (Watch)
17. Total Active Reflection Coefficient (TARC) of 2x2 5G MIMO antenna (Watch)
18. Channel loss capacity (CCL) and Mean effective gain (MEG) of 2x2 MIMO antenna (watch)
19. Floquet theory and mathematical approach to unit cell analysis (watch)
20. Machine learning application in Antenna design (watch)
Download the MATLAB script file (m file) for calling the API 2.4 GHz patch antenna- available in FB group
Download the CST API ZIP file from github to automate the 2.4 GHz patch antenna design - Download
Watch this video for instruction on how to use the CST- API file with MATLAB
Download the CST simulation files of monostatic RCS of a patch antenna.- Link is in FB antenna group.
Download the CST API and MATLAB script for Metamaterial SRR unit cell design (Download)
Some basic Cadence tutorials
1. Cadence Virtuoso: Introduction (watch)
2. Cadence Virtuoso: DC Simulation (watch)
3. Cadence Virtuoso: Load Pull of Power Amplifier (watch)
4. Cadence Virtuoso: Gmax & fmax of MOSFET (watch)
5. Cadence Virtuoso: Series RLC circuit Input Impedance, S-parameter (watch)
6. Cadence Virtuoso: Series RLC current, voltage and Power vs. frequency (watch)